I am an artist, tutor & mentor specialising in drawing, painting, mindfulness and the imagination
Here you’ll find my artwork as well as workshops, courses and retreats that I offer.
If you’d like to connect
Link up with me on Instagram
and sign up to my newsletter at the bottom of this page
For all enquiries relating to my artwork, please contact me here
An empirical fact about our lives is that we do not and cannot know what will happen a day or a moment in advance…Every moment is precious, precisely because it is ephemeral and cannot be duplicated, retrieved or captured.’
- Stephen Nachmanovitch
Art and Mindfulness
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the state of being present to and aware of what is taking place in the present moment. This presence of mind can evoke a sense of wonder, freshness and appreciation for the simple fact of being alive. When present and alive to one’s actual experience, as distinct from ‘ideas about it’, we can free ourselves from limiting views and attitudes and the simplest things can take on a new life.
“I have been drawing for many years, but during Clare’s classes, I feel like I am looking at drawing with new eyes and with more joy. ”