I am fascinated by the rich intersections of art and mindfulness and how they support creative thinking/practice and an awareness of meaning and beauty in everyday life.
Art and Mindfulness Courses
Mindfulness is the state of being present to and aware of what is taking place in the present moment.
When present and alive to one’s actual experience, as distinct from ‘ideas about it’, we can free ourselves from limiting views and attitudes and the simplest things can take on a new life.
“I would recommend these classes to anyone who is curious about approaching drawing for the first time as well as those who would like to explore taking their work in new directions and with fresh curiosity.”
Why mindfulness and drawing?
Making art itself naturally brings one into the present moment by virtue of it requiring a particular quality of attention in order to create, but it can all too easily become a routine and mechanical activity resulting in artwork that can be technically accomplished, but in some way don’t inspire us.
Mindfulness supports presence of mind. Engaging mindfulness in the process of making art can help us to remain connected and to become re-vivified by our subject matter and materials by virtue of our being more present and alive to their inherent qualities, which in turn gives new life to our work.
One component of mindfulness is the cultivation of ‘non-judgemental awareness’. Practical and effective methods for cultivating this quality of attention can be immensely liberating, giving us more perspective, objectivity and empathy when engaging with common creative blocks, as well as methods for releasing ourselves from the repetitive and constraining aspect of them.
Mindfulness approaches can help us to restore a sense of play and wonder as well as make the transition from inner criticism/judgement to creative discernment, which is hugely supportive when engaged in developing and progressing one’s skills.
The more I draw, the better I see and the more I understand.
“Very much appreciate the care and thought put in by the tutor in setting up the sessions. Loved seeing other students’ drawings and I feel that despite a range of experience of drawing everyone’s drawings had such character and interest. Great spirit. I feel this came about because of the emphasis on mindfulness in the drawing process. ”
“I’ve really enjoyed the courses with the pacing and variety of ideas/activities. We had sufficient time to begin to assimilate an idea, in order to be able to take it away and continue to practise/reflect on it. ”
“I found the course really helpful. It gave me a lot of things to think of. I have a technical background, through my family, education, and work I’ve always learnt to approach things intellectually. This idea of awareness of the body when drawing is new. ”