Clare Barton-Harvey (aka Amitajyoti)

I am a full-time artist, tutor and freelance teacher/trainer living and working in London. I received BA (Hons) Fine Art in 1998, and in 2003 studied drawing, to MA level, at the Royal Drawing School. My work is held in private collections across the UK, Europe and America.

Drawing is an essential component in my work. I am influenced by calligraphy with respect to the embodied mark/gesture, and colour, rhythm and light (or absence of it e.g. The Black Paintings) are also key considerations. The paintings often develop over a series of weeks or months with many layers of transparent glaze in order to create rich surface texture, moderated tonal relationships and a quality of vibration whilst the drawings are made more swiftly and sometimes within one sitting. I work on several pieces of work simultaneously, creating sequences or series of works, which enables me to explore a theme in a variety of ways.

I draw inspiration from a range of sources including the forest, mindfulness & meditation, Buddhist philosophy and the science of mind. I work with organic natural pigments foraged from plants and rocks, which have a quality of aliveness that I have not found in synthetic paints. I have come to see that working with natural materials is integral to the vision of human ecology that I explore in my work.

My work is based on the view that if one enters deeply enough into one’s ‘experience’, then one finds the ‘universal’.

I have been practising mindfulness meditation for over 30 years and have been teaching drawing and mindfulness courses and workshops for over 20 years. 

I trained with Breathworks mindfulness teacher training in 2006-7 and have devised numerous workshops, courses and retreats exploring the relationship of drawing, mindfulness, creativity, painting and the imagination, in both Buddhist and secular contexts. I am fascinated by the relationship of art and mindfulness and how they ongoingly offer new ways of seeing, feeling and thinking which can be deeply liberating, refreshing and restorative as well as lead to deeper and more enriched creativity.

I work as a freelance drawing and mindfulness teacher/trainer in a variety of locations including The National Gallery, British Museum, British Library, Pallant House Gallery and the Queens Gallery.

I am a practising Buddhist and received full ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2006, when I received the name Amitajyoti (which means ‘Boundless or Immeasurable Light’)

Credit - Philip Hardman

Credit - Philip Hardman