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ONLINE Drawing and the art of Mindfulness course


Explore how mindfulness can enrich drawing and lead to new ways of relating to it. A practical drawing course from observation, and the imagination. This course offers a great introduction to mindful drawing or a way for you to further integrate mindfulness into your drawing.

Dates: 30/5/25 - 27/6/25 Fridays 10-1pm

What is the course about?

Through a range of experimental and traditional approaches, be inspired by new ways of seeing and experiencing drawing. Try out a range of ways to draw inspired by contemporary, modern, and historic artists drawings and discover what inspires you about drawing, by engaging a range of subject matter and materials. Learn how mindfulness can stimulate creativity and a sense of freedom and creative flow. A practical drawing course inspired by the world around us, artists drawings, the imagination, and abstraction. This course offers a great introduction to mindful drawing or ways to explore it more deeply. The drawing studio is fully accessible by a wheelchair.

What will we cover?

  • A range of experimental and traditional drawing approaches inspired by the world around us, artists drawings and the imagination

  • Ways to release the limiting effects of the judging mind, so you can access more freedom and enjoyment in drawing

  • Mindfulness skills and drawing methods to inspire new directions

  • Explore a variety of media and subject matter and discover what interests and inspires you

  • Some key ideas on how mindfulness works, with reference to scientific theory  

What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...

  • Draw with more confidence, enjoyment and creative freedom

  • Apply a range of mindfulness skills in drawing to ignite your creativity and inspiration

  • Identify materials and subject matter that inspire you

  • Practice mindfulness to help you identify creative blocks and let go of them

  • Employ a toolkit of drawing and mindfulness methods to stimulate, inspire and refresh your drawing

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

Suitable for enthusiastic beginners to drawing as well as those with experience in drawing or mindfulness who wish to re-fresh their practice and stimulate new directions.

What you need:

Pencil, willow charcoal, coloured pastels, eraser, pencil sharpener, 8 sheets cartridge paper e.g. A2 or A3, plus any other drawing materials you’d like to use.