An introduction to drawing and mindfulness and how mindfulness can support greater confidence, creativity, and a sense of freedom when drawing. The workshop is suitable for beginners to mindful drawing including those with experience in one or other discipline.
Date: 03/5/25 Saturday 10.30am - 1.30pm
Explore how engaging mindfulness when drawing can enliven your perception and presence of mind and stimulate creativity and a sense of freedom and creative flow. Through guided exercises, including drawing from observation and the imagination, explore how mindful drawing can support you to develop your drawing skills, confidence, and a light/playful engagement. This workshop is studio based and is fully accessible by wheelchair.
What will we cover?
- An introduction to mindfulness and how to integrate it into drawing.
- Explore a variety of mindful drawing exercises to stimulate creativity and a refreshing response to drawing.
- A range of practices to engage sensory awareness, to enliven your perception and presence of mind, when drawing.
What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...
- Draw with more confidence, enjoyment and creative freedom.
- Identify how engaging mindfulness with drawing can support a light, playful and wholehearted approach, and enrich the drawing process.
- Engage in simple mindful drawing exercises to stimulate your creativity and inspiration.
- Employ a small toolkit of sensory mindfulness practices and ideas.
What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?
The workshop is suitable for beginners to drawing and/or mindfulness or for experienced partitioners who’d like a refresher
Materials: all basic materials provided